Lower Primary

(Prep - Year 2)

Our Prep to Year 2 teachers provide wonderful learning spaces for children who are entering their first years of schooling. This nurturing, engaging environment allows each child to develop key skills that play a critical role throughout their education.

Our teachers encourage children into an enjoyable journey of life-long learning. The classrooms are equipped with hands-on learning materials and interactive spaces that maximise learning potential. Teachers integrate literacy and numeracy in a curriculum that provides plenty of opportunities for imagination, exploration and creative expression.

In our classrooms, God is a natural part of our day-to-day learning activities and each child is viewed as having unique and immeasurable worth in the eyes of God. 

Supporting Quality Learning

Small classes allow us to cultivate a depth of learning, social interaction and level of participation that is not always possible in larger schools. The classroom is learner-centred, with a strong emphasis on individualised planning, small group instruction and opportunities for peer collaboration. 

Our rich curriculum is supported by Accelerated Reading programs, Phonics Workshops and Mathletics, all of which are designed to assist in the development of every learner, from those who need remedial and additional help to those who are advanced.

Children with learning difficulties are supported by the learning support teacher, classroom teacher and teacher aide. A range of strategies are developed for both inside and out of the classroom. We are always looking for better ways to meet the needs of our multi-cultural population, and this has given our teachers expertise in helping children with low literacy and English as a Second Language (ESL) backgrounds.

Technology and Learning

In Lower Primary, students begin their journey towards digital enquiry and problem solving through regular use of information communication technology. Interactive whiteboards and mobile computer labs are used to complement the curriculum and our learning resource centre/library is well-stocked with story books, non-fiction books and digital tools to enhance learning.


The Prep curriculum is in keeping with the Early Years Curriculum Guidelines and Australian Curriculum. The Australian Curriculum is the basis for Years 1 and 2. These years are foundational to schooling, providing vital, infrastructural knowledge for future learning. Literacy and numeracy are integrated throughout the curriculum.

The following subjects are taught in Lower Primary:

Encounter (Bible Program) 

Language: reading, written and oral expression, spelling, handwriting, poetry, drama and listening skills. 

Mathematics Science Humanities and Social Sciences: History and Geography.

Health and Physical Education Technologies: Digital Technologies, and Design and Technologies.

The Arts: Visual Art, Drama, Music and Media Arts.

Distinctively IAS 

IAS encourages Lower Primary students to be involved in a wide range of activities that help them develop as a whole person. These include:

Under 8s Day NAIDOC Day (celebrating the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples).

Excursion to the Railway Museum Open Day twilight stalls and special items. 

Fun RunSpirit of IAS program. 

Prime Time program involvement.

Parent Communication and Involvement 

We encourage parent involvement because strong partnerships between school and home always benefits children. Here are some ways you can be involved:

Provide feedback on your child’s successes or snippets of information that might help us know them better. Check whether you can help out with class activities and rosters. Your interest in their schooling speaks volumes to your child about how important education is.Enhance your child’s learning by reading with them every day, including listening to them read to you. Research suggests that just 5 minutes a day can assist in literacy development, a vital skill for every aspect of their schooling. 


Formal reports on student progress occur three times each year:

Interim report (mid Term 1), Mid-year reporting at the end of Semester 1 (Term 2), Final year report at the end of Semester 2 (Term 4).

Interviews may be requested at these times or throughout the year by either the parent or teacher.