Thank you to our IAS families that attended our Commencement Evening on Monday, 29th January where the opportunity was taken to welcome new and returning IAS families and staff.

During the evening new Chaplain, Pr Blake, introduced the theme for the year to the school community. The theme, 'Step Out', encourages all to seek opportunities to help and serve others within our community.

Pr Blake shared how the theme emphasises the importance of taking a step outside of our comfort zones, and how doing so can lead to amazing experiences. He encouraged all present to be on the lookout for ways to make a difference, whether that means helping a fellow student, volunteering for a local charity, or simply being a good friend to those who need it.

The school community is excited to embrace the 'Step Out' theme and looks forward to many opportunities to make a positive impact throughout the year.

After the program, families were invited to enjoy light refreshments, meet with staff, and tour the classrooms.